

(電話 03-5572-0233)

 株式会社 INPEX(以下、当社)は、子会社のジャパン石油開発社株式会社(以下、JODCO)を通じて、アラブ首長国連邦(以下、UAE)アブダビ首長国(以下、アブダビ)において石油開発事業を行っておりますが、今般、JODCOが本年創立50周年を迎えるにあたり、当社の取締役会をUAEのアブダビにて開催し、同取締役会で決議された当社のUAEに対する主要なコミットメントを「UAEコミットメント宣言書」として、2023年1月24日に、スルターン・アル・ジャーベルUAE産業・先端技術大臣兼アブダビ国営石油会社(ADNOC)グループCEOに報告いたしましたので、お知らせいたします。





2023年1月24日付 取締役会承認










Approved by the Board of Directors on January 24, 2023

INPEX UAE Commitment

INPEX started its oil development and production business in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates ("UAE") in 1973 with the establishment of JODCO. Over the last fifty years, INPEX has expanded this business by building on the success of its longstanding and trusted partnerships with ADNOC, the UAE government, and its people.

Seeking to lead the energy transition as a responsible energy company, INPEX will continue to position the UAE as a cornerstone of its global business over the coming fifty years as it works to enhance its core business operations in close collaboration with ADNOC and the UAE.

Within this framework, INPEX is committed to:

-Increasing and maintaining a sustainable supply of affordable crude oil and natural gas to Japan and other markets around the world, by enhancing development and production activities and minimizing the carbon footprint of its upstream operations in the UAE.

-Expanding clean energy and net-zero solutions including hydrogen, ammonia, CCUS and renewable energy, and building supply chains that link the UAE to Japan and the rest of the world, by leveraging the UAE's favourable position in the clean energy business.

-Developing and applying new technologies that enhance stable energy supply, accelerate the energy transition, and help achieve net zero targets, in both the UAE and Japan.

-Contributing to the co-prosperity and greater solidarity between the UAE and Japan by supporting educational programs, cultural exchanges, and environmental conservation efforts.

INPEX believes that these commitments will contribute significantly to INPEX's sustained growth and to the flourishment of the UAE and Japan, and reflect INPEX's unwavering resolve to join hands with ADNOC and the UAE for deepening the mutual trust towards a brighter future.