INPEX CORPORATION (INPEX) was awarded a silver certification in PRIDE Index 2024 established by "work with Pride," a Japan-based organization promoting diversity management concerning LGBTQ+ acceptance at the workplace.
PRIDE Index is the first initiative in Japan to recognize companies for their support of sexual minority employees.
INPEX was recognized for measures including the LGBTQ+ awareness-building program and internal network of LGBT allies, as well as its recognition of same sex partners and their children as family members.
INPEX will continue to promote pro-LGBTQ+ initiatives with LGBT allies to create a workplace that offers equal opportunities for all employees, including sexual minorities and foster a corporate culture that respects diversity.
(INPEX LGBT Ally Logo)
*PRIDE Index
The PRIDE Index is the first evaluation index which measures efforts to support LGBTQ+ agendas in the workplace and was formulated in 2016 by "work with Pride" in Japan.
The index is based on five pillars: Policy (action plan); Representation (building a supportive community); Inspiration (awareness-raising activities); Development (personnel system/program) and Engagement/Empowerment (social responsibility and external activities). The index is used to evaluate companies based on three certification categories including gold, silver and bronze.