Stock Related

Q1What is INPEX's stock exchange securities code?


Q2Where is INPEX listed on?

INPEX is listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Q3Where should I address inquiries regarding my shareholding?

For shareholding inquiries, please contact Mizuho Trust & Banking, the administrator of the shareholder registry. If you own shares in a stock brokerage account, please follow the procedures of the stock brokerage firm that you trade with.

Please contact the Stock Transfer Agency Department at Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
Tel: 0120–288–324 (toll–free within Japan only)
Hours: 9:00 to 17:00 (Tokyo local time), except Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays.

Q4Where should I address inquiries regarding share purchasing procedures, including the purchase or additional purchase of shares constituting less than one unit?

If you are a shareholder using a general account, please contact the securities company that handles your trading account. For shareholders of special accounts (shareholders who have not deposited our shares in the account of a securities company), please contact Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd., the administrator of the above shareholder registry.
Tel: 0120–288–324(toll–free within Japan only)Hours: 9:00 to 17:00

Q5When is the shareholder settlement date for dividend payment?

The articles of incorporation stipulate as follows.
The year-end dividend will be issued on December 31 and the interim dividend will be issued on June 30. Please contact the securities company with which you trade for the transaction date required for vesting.

Q6When is the dividend payment?

Dividends are issued twice a year (year-end dividend and interim dividend). The interim dividend is subject to the resolution of the Board of Directors, and the year-end dividend is subject to the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders.

  • Interim dividend: The dividend will be issued in September to the shareholders included in the Company's shareholder list as of June 30, based on the resolution of the Board of Directors scheduled to be held in August.(Payment will start in early September.)
  • Year-end dividend: Payment will be made to shareholders included in the Company's shareholder list as of December 31, based on the resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled to be held in March.(Payment will start in late March.)
Q7How do I receive dividends?

Shareholders who have completed the procedure for designating a transfer to a bank, etc. in advance will be sent a "dividend statement" containing the dividend amount and will be transferred to the shareholder's designated account. In addition, shareholders who have not been designated as a transfer will be sent a certificate (“dividend receipt”) that can be redeemed at the post office. The certificate can be redeemed at the post office with the dividend receipt for a period of about one month. If the deadline has passed, Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. will accept the payment.

If you wish to make a transfer, please complete the procedure at your securities company. However, please contact Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. for shareholder procedures recorded in the special account.

Q8I forgot to receive dividend. What should I do?

Payments can be made up to 5 years from the date of issuance of dividends. Please contact Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.

Q9Please explain the details of shareholder return policy.

Based on the Shareholder returns stated in the "Medium-Term Business Plan 2022-2024" formulated in February 2022, during the period of the Medium-term Business Plan from fiscal year 2022 to fiscal year 2024, our basic policy is to strengthen Shareholder returns in accordance with growth in financial performance, with stable dividends as a basis. We will aim for a total payout ratio of over 40%, implement share buybacks based on business environment, financial base and management conditions, etc. and set minimum annual dividend per share of 30 JPY even in case of a short-term deterioration of Our business environment, etc.

Q10Please explain about the general meeting of shareholders.

The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders is held in March every year. For details, please see here (General Meeting of Shareholders).

Q11Have you conducted Stock split in the past?

With October 1, 2013 as the effective date, we conducted a stock split with a ratio of 400 shares per common stock. No stock split was carried out for Class A Stock.

Q12Have you conducted share buybacks in the past?

Please refer to the "Shareholder returns" page.

Q13What is Class A stock?

According to the stipulations of the Articles of Incorporation, INPEX issues a Class A Stock to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. The Class A Stock does not possess voting rights at shareholders’ meetings. However, it is possible for the holder of the Class A Stock to exercise veto rights for certain major corporate decisions. This arrangement helps prevent any incidence of unusual management, allows INPEX to stably supply energy as a core company for Japan’s oil & gas E&P and ensures that the Company does not incur any negative impact from a speculative acquisition or an attempt at management control through foreign capital. Furthermore, we expect positive results in terms of external negotiation and credits as a national flagship company efficiently contributing to the stable supply of energy to Japan.

Financial Related

Q1When is the fiscal year end?

The fiscal year end is December. (INPEX changed the accounting period in 2019)

Q2When will you announce the Financial results?

The schedule for the announcement of Financial results will be announced on the IR calendar.

Q3Please explain the recent financial result.

You can view the latest Financial results and performance information in financial information. Please refer to the IR library for details.

Q4Please explain the Financial results of the former companies.

You can view the Financial results of former companies here.


Q1When was INPEX established?

INPEX was established in 2006. For more details, please refer to this page.

Q2Please describe INPEX’s business.

INPEX is developing its Oil and gas business and its net zero businesses. In the Oil and gas business, which is our core business, we will continue to fulfill our responsibilities for the development of sources of energy and their stable supply by promoting a more resilient and cleaner business. At the same time, in the 5 net zero businesses, we will expand each business at an accelerated pace and secure our position as a major and trusted player.For more details, please refer to this page.

Q3I would like to know the Company profile of INPEX.

Please refer to the Company profile.

Q4How can I get recent company’s announcements?

The press release is posted in Newsroom.

Q5How much is the current oil price?

For crude oil prices (WTI / Brent) and exchange rates, please see Oil market and exchange rate.

Q6What is INPEX’s CSR / environmental initiatives?

For more information on CSR and environmental initiatives, please see this page Open in new window .

Q7What are your R&D and alternative energy development initiatives?

For more information on R&D and alternative energy development efforts, see this page.

Q8What is the basic policy for information disclosure?

Please see our Disclosure Policy for our IR policy.

Q9Do you distribute IR information by email?

Please register from the following link to add your email address to the IR news distribution list.

Q10Where can I find the former companies website?

The former INPEX and Teikoku Oil Co., Ltd. were merged on October 1, 2008, so the website has also been integrated into INPEX’s website. For IR materials of the two former companies, please see the IR library.

IR Related Information