Pipeline operator

Our company has been dedicated to the development of our natural gas trunk pipeline network since the 1960s. To provide a stable supply of gas daily, we monitor the pipelines around the clock, have emergency measures in place, and are committed to the operation, maintenance, and management of the pipeline network.

Pipeline monitoring system

For city gas providers and factories, the flow and pressure of natural gas transported via pipelines are centrally monitored 24/7 at our surveillance center located in Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture. Additionally, we have installed remote devices at each supply point to react swiftly in case of unforeseen circumstances. In the unlikely event of emergencies, we are equipped with a telecontrol system to shut off gas supply.

Patrol system

Through meticulous patrols of the pipeline routes for safety checks, leakage inspections, anti-corrosion inspections, as well as routine maintenance checks of various facilities, we provide detailed support to ensure even safer transportation of natural gas.

Satellite communication surveillance system

The natural gas delivered through our pipelines is under a ceaseless 24-hour surveillance system using satellite communications.

Shutoff valves

This is one of our safety measures that is doubly, even triply, implemented. Along the pipeline route, valve stations are installed every 10 to 15 kilometers. In the event of an emergency, we have put in place a system that can securely shut off the gas supply.

Pipeline maintenance management system

We have developed a database using mapping software, in which information necessary for the maintenance and management of pipeline facilities and associated equipment is mapped and linked on a geographic scale.

Electrolytic corrosion protection

We apply electrolytic corrosion protection to our pipelines at the time they are buried, preventing the pipelines from corroding. While the photograph shows a cross-section of a pipe laid over 40 years ago, it has been confirmed to maintain a very high level of safety.

Major trunk pipeline


Our business