TOKYO, JAPAN - INPEX CORPORATION ("INPEX") presented its Business Development Strategy and forest conservation activities to Sustainability Management graduate program at Columbia University in a co-lecture held on December 8, 2021 with InfiniteEARTH, the operator of the Rimba Raya Biodiversity REDD+ project.
The course consists of a series of 12 lectures and addresses the role of finance to promote climate change response throughout society, with a focus on sustainable development in emerging markets. The lecture co-presented by INPEX and InfinitEARTH was the last of the series and based on the theme of "designing decentralized carbon reductions with co-benefits" as an example of corporate initiatives to contribute to additional social and environmental benefits in local communities of emerging markets. About 30 students joined the online lecture from the United States and other countries including Brazil China, Haiti, and Russia etc.
During the lecture, many questions were raised about the low carbon business strategy and "co-benefits" of the Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD + project, and lively discussions took place.
INPEX will continue to promote its climate change response initiatives by reaching out to and involving a wide range of stakeholders.
"Business Development Strategy - Towards a Net Zero Carbon Society by 2050"
Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD+