INPEX Presents on Employee Diversity and Inclusion at APPEA Conference & Exhibition in Australia


INPEX accepted an invitation from the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA)—Australia’s leading authority representing the country’s oil and gas exploration and production industry—to give a presentation on the INPEX Journey in Diversity and Inclusion at the 55th annual APPEA Conference & Exhibition held on May 17-20, 2015 in Melbourne, Australia.

INPEX presented its initiatives in creating an inclusive workplace incorporating employee diversity, and participated in stimulating discussions with participants. Over 130 people attended the session, suggesting diversity and inclusion are subjects of interest to the oil and gas industry. This was the first time ever for APPEA to hold a session on the theme of diversity at its annual conference.

INPEX Australia presented at APPEA / INPEX booth at the APPEA Conference & Exhibition