Yabase Oil Field

  • Oil
  • Japan
Contract area (block) Project status Production Capacity Venture company (established) Interest owned
Yabase Oil Field In production Cumulative crude oil production of 5.87 million kiloliters (as of the end of December 2023) INPEX JAPAN, LTD.
(Oct. 1, 2024)

One of Japan's largest oil fields in terms of crude oil production

Oil and gas exploration has been carried out in the area around the Omono River flowing through the Akita Plain since the Taisho era (1912~1926). INPEX took over the Yabase Oil Field following its establishment, striving to improve exploration and development techniques. Around 1955, it became a major oil field producing more than 250,000 kiloliters of crude oil annually. It is one of Japan's largest oil fields, with a cumulative crude oil production of 5.87 million kiloliters (as of the end of December 2023). Production activities using pumping units are ongoing in the city of Akita.