Okuhida Onsengo District Geothermal Power Project

  • Renewable Energy (Geothermal)
  • Japan
Contract area (block) Project status Venture Company (established) Interest Owned
Okuhida Onsengo District Under exploration INPEX CORPORATION
(Apr. 3, 2006)

Since 2012, INPEX has conducted geothermal energy development work in Hane-daira, within the Shin-Hotaka Onsen area in Kamioka, Okuhida Onsengo district located in the northeastern part of Gifu Prefecture at the foot of Japan's Northern Alps (Hida Mountains), carrying out extensive surveys in the area. Surface surveys and geophysical exploration work have confirmed the presence of significant geothermal resources, supported by drilling evaluations at nearby sites. We plan to confirm the scale of these geothermal resources through exploratory drilling operations. If these confirm geothermal resources in quantities sufficient for development, this is expected to significantly contribute to the expansion of our domestic geothermal power development initiative in alignment with the company's net zero ambitions.