Naoetsu LNG Terminal

  • Gas
  • Japan
Contract area (block) Project status The maximum production capacity Venture company (established) Investor
Naoetsu LNG Terminal In operation The maximum production capacity is 7.5 million Nm3/day (from April 1, 2024, it will be 8.25 million m3/day due to the capacity review of the existing vaporizer). INPEX JAPAN, LTD.
(Oct. 1, 2024)

In December 2013 we started operations at the Naoetsu LNG Terminal (2 x 180,000 kiloliter LNG tanks) at the Naoetsu Port in Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture, a key location in our natural gas trunk pipeline network. At this terminal, LNG received from overseas is re-gasified and undergoes calorific value adjustment with domestically produced natural gas produced at the Minami-Nagaoka Gas Field, and is supplied to consumers. The terminal's maximum production capacity as of April 1, 2024 is 8.25 million cubic meters per day following a capacity review of the existing regasification equipment. The Naoetsu LNG Terminal has received LNG from the Ichthys LNG Project since October 2018. In December 2023, the terminal celebrated the 10th anniversary of the startup of operations and will continue to aim to sustain stable operations.

Naoetsu LNG Terminal

12 Yachiho, Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture
Lot area
Approx. 25 ha
Gas production capacity
7.5 MM m3/d (LNG 240 tons/hour)
(8.25 million m3/day from April 1, 2024, following a capacity review of the existing regasification equipment)
LNG tank
180 thousand kl x 2
(Additional tank space available)
LNG receiving capacity
Approx. 1.5 million tons/year

The LNG received from LNG ships is re-gasified and adjusted for calorific value before it is sent to the pipeline network as product gas.

A Unloading Arm

The unloading arm is a cargo-handling facility that unloads LNG and cryogenic LPG from LNG ships and LPG ships, and sends it to the storage tanks. The LNG unloading arm is equipped with a hydraulic quick coupler, which enables safe and reliable connection and disconnection operations with the ship-side flange.

B LNG Tanks

Above-ground PC Tank 180,000 kL x 2
The unloaded LNG is stored in two LNG tanks each measuring approximately 54m in height and 83m in diameter. The total capacity is 360,000 kL. Each tank is large enough to accommodate three Boeing 787 aircraft.

C Open Rack Vaporizer (ORV)

The ORV transforms LNG, a liquid at -162 degrees Celcius, into a gaseous state by warming and re-gasifying it using the heat of seawater.

D Submerged Combustion Vaporizer (SCV)

This vaporizer is mainly used in emergencies. It burns natural gas and uses the resultant high-temperature combustion gas as a heat source to warm a water tank. The LNG is then re-gasified in heat transfer pipes submerged in the water tank.

E Heat Adjusting Facility

The natural gas, once returned to a gaseous state, has its heat adjusted by adding LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) in a calorific value adjustment facility. This gas adjusted for calorific value is then sent to the pipeline network as product gas.

F LPG Tanks

These are tanks used to store LPG used for calorific value adjustment. There are two types: ambient temperature LPG tanks and cryogenic LPG tanks.

  • Ambient Temperature LPG Tank
  • Cryogenic LPG Tank

Naoetsu LNG Terminal
