Katatsumuri Yama Power Plant Geothermal Power Project

  • Renewable Energy (Geothermal)
  • Japan
Contract area (block) Project status Venture Company (established) Generation capacity Investor
Katatsumuri Yama Power Plant Under construction INPEX GEOTHERMAL, LTD.
(May 26, 2021)
TEPCO Renewable Power

Through INPEX Geothermal, LTD., INPEX is a participant in a geothermal power generation project to construct the Katatsumuri Yama Power Plant in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture with plans to commence operations in March 2027. Construction of the geothermal power plant will be overseen by Oyasu Geothermal Co., Ltd., a joint venture between INPEX Geothermal, Idemitsu Kosan and TEPCO Renewable Power. On March 31, 2023, the Katatsumuri Yama Power Plant became Japan's first geothermal power generation plant to be designated as an "Important Power Development Site*.

This designation is granted by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to power development sites identified as particularly important for the national government to promote. It is aimed at facilitating local consensus building and streamlining the approval process involving relevant government agencies.