Goto City Offshore Wind Power Project

  • Renewable Energy (Wind)
  • Japan
Contract area (block) Project status Venture Company (established) Generation capacity Investors
Goto City Offshore Under construction INPEX CORPORATION
(Apr. 3, 2026)
  • Toda
  • Japan Renewable Energy Corporation
  • Kansai Electric Power
  • Chubu Electric Power

INPEX is a participant in the Goto City Offshore Wind Power Project through its investment in Goto Floating Wind Farm LLC. The project, which targets the development of a floating offshore wind power generation facility, became the first project of its kind in Japan to receive approval for a public occupancy plan in April 2022. Following this, the project obtained the necessary permits and approvals for the installation of power generation facilities within the designated offshore area and is currently undergoing construction work with the aim of commencing operations in January 2026.