WA-35-L & WA-55-L (Coniston Oil Field)

  • Oil
  • Australia
Contract area (block) Project status Production capacity Venture company (established) Interest owned (*Operator)
WA-35-L & WA-55-L (Coniston Oil Field) Halting production Approximately 2 thousand barrels per day
(Before halting production)
INPEX Alpha, Ltd.
(Feb. 17, 1989)

INPEX acquired an interest in block WA-155-P (Part I) in July 1999 through its subsidiary, INPEX Alpha, Ltd. The Van Gogh oil field was discovered in 2003, and a production license was granted as WA-35-L in 2008. Development operations began in the Coniston oil field, which spans both the WA-35-L and WA-55L blocks, in December 2011 and production of crude oil began in May 2015. A sea floor inspection conducted in December 2020 confirmed the deformation of a flowline and production is currently halted.